Rendimento industrial e valor nutricional de grãos de milho QPM e de grãos de gérmem de milho comum

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Endosperm hardness is an essential attribute for producers and industries that using corn as a raw material. Kernel texture alterations, however, hamper the commercial use of Quality Protein Maize (QPM). In this experiment, industrial yield was compared in kernel degerming and endosperm splitting and the nutritional value of a QPM variety and common corn genotypes. One QPM variety and three commercial corn hybrids cultived in Goiás were studied. The QPM and the common corn hybrids were processed using the dry degerming method and the resulting yield was expressed as the ratio of the weight of the fractions obtained to the initial weight of the whole corn. The chemical composition and the amino acid profile of QPM, common corn and common corn germ were determined and an experiment with recently weaned Wistar rats was carried out. Four 7 %-protein and one nonprotein diet were prepared. Protein utilization was estimated using the DCF (Dietary Conversion Factor), NPR (Net Protein Ratio), True Digestibility, and the PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility- Corrected Amino Acid Score). In comparison with common corn, QPM presented lower endosperm yield, higher germ and fine fractions (< 0.5 mm) yield, and the same yield for hominy in endosperm splitting. QPM presented similar levels of proteins, lipids and ash, and higher levels of lysine, dietary fiber and iron in the germ in relation to common corn hybrids. NPR values for QPM diets and corn germ diets were similar, lower than the reference and above the NPR values of common corn. The DCF of the QPM diet was higher than that of the casein diet, but it was the same as that of common corn germ and lower than the value obtained for common corn. QPM and common corn germ presented a protein value (NPR) that was 72 % of the value for casein, while that of common corn was 60 % of the casein value. QPM and the germ fraction of common corn are good quality protein sources when compared to common corn protein, and they present a satisfactory yield for use in the food industry as raw materials which add nutritional value to the products generated



CASTRO, Maiza Vieira Leão de. Industrial yield and nutritional value of a qpm corn grain and the grain and germ of common maize. 2008. 58 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciencias Agrárias - Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.