A saúde mental em cursos de graduação na área da saúde em Goiânia/GO interfaces com a Reforma Psiquiátrica e as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Dissertation Thesis consisting of two steps each article format. The first, a bibliographic search, sought to understand the scientific literature in national periodicals on the teaching of mental health in undergraduate in health courses. The consultation was held in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) for publications between April 2001 to December 2009, twenty-six articles were the corpus of the study and their data were identified through a protocol. The results indicate that were more frequent papers published in 2005, authorship of nursing and studies of reporting experience type. The reports have revealed a trend of changes in educational practices. Despite the strong influence of biomedical model focusing psychopathologic, currently converge the theoretical framework of Collective Health and Psychiatric Reform, as well as the diversification of practice scenarios and development of communication and relationship skills in students, themes been underwritten by axis of interdisciplinarity and by humanizing, de-institutionalisation and subjectivity and rights of citizenship. Before this movement for change, the second step of the search sought to describe the insertion of the theme in local context, for both were investigated mental health disciplines in Nursing, Medicine, Psychology and Occupational Therapy courses in two universities of Goiânia/GO/Brazil. The data sources were: curricular matrix, programs of nine disciplines/thematic areas and questionnaires applied to teachers. Survey data shows characteristics of disciplines in relation to the matrix curricular, practice scenarios, methods and contents adopted. The results indicated that in the general context of disciplines there is a nascent but important rapprochement with Psychiatric Reform and National Curriculum Guidelines principles. Shows the coexistence of messages from biomedical and biopsychossocial models, with greater emphasis on the first model. It is expected that the results of this dissertation can bring subsidies for understanding the mental health teaching-learning process, extending discussions on the theme that forward-looking building knowledge and practice in the context of mental health education. Some of these paths have already been flagged as factors that drive changes the magnification of theoretical, intra and interpersonal skills learning, diversification of scenarios and teaching-learning practices and the strengthening of integration education-service. Suggested further studies in mental health education with the goal of better understanding of local and national realities and investigate how undergraduate come operationalizing making changes from National Curriculum Guidelines and Psychiatric Reform.



CARNEIRO, Larissa Arbués. Mental health in undergraduate health courses in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil its interface with Psychiatric Reform and National Curriculum Guidelines. 2010. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Saúde - Medicina) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.