A evolução e produção da estrutura urbana em Anápolis - 1993 a 2004: estudo da interferência das gestões municipais

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The city of Anápolis is located within the Centro Goiano mesoregion. The first settlements in that territory occurred in the mid 19th. Century, led by tropeiros developing commercial routes southbound. The city is situated in a route junction connecting important mining-based cities raised between 17th. and 18th. centuries having functioned originally as a commercial pole for supplying of those cities as well as of others located between northwest and northeast of the State. Urban growth has always been disinguished by the pressure of disordered spreadover developments within its 918,4 Km2 area. Either by public or private enterprise, urban spacial arrangement results, in a decisive way, from social policies, with a strong role played by the city administration in that sense. This research aims to detect, in Anápolis, the effect of the urban development policies approved by municipal administration from 1993 to 2004 and its consequences for the reproduction of the urban structure. For the intended accomplishment, shall be properly analized economic, social and political issues which, once spatialized, contributed for an exploratory study on the interference of public authority in evolution of urban configuration. The problem proposition stares the articulation of three essential subjects initially outlining considerations on the city while regional centre and its decoding aspects, then contextualising urban management matters and, finally, presenting municipal administrations from 1993 to 2004, confronting Master Plan goals to urban policy legal support in that term, enphasizing those aspects related to the extension of urban perimeter limits, action re-offended in several administrations



BRITO, Regina Maria de Faria Amaral. The evolution and production of the urban space in Anápolis 1993 to 2004 - study of municipal management interference. 2009. 193 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.