Núcleo Pioneiro de Goiânia: um patrimônio inteligível?

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The patrimony is a theme due its increasing relevance inside the contemporary societies has aroused attention of researchers about the city. The patrimony brings implicit questions relatives to the memory, the identity and the appropriation of the city by the inhabitants. On the other hand, shows the acting of economics and political forces shaping the production of the space and influencing the social relations. The present work analyzes these questions and has the objective to discuss the importance of patrimony within the contemporary city. The look is concerned with Goiânia. Young city created in the beginning of the twenty century has its Historical Town Center overthrow in 2003. The act of the overthrow inserts and connects Goiânia within the global phenomenon and rouse current inquiries and discussions about the process of urban patrimony and rehabilitation. Also lead the formulation of specific objectives which guide this study, namely: understand this process in Goiânia city; identify the opinion of the inhabitants about the process of patrimony; and verify how this process is realized by the press media. The adopted methodology considers the approach in aspects linked to the subjectivity of the individuals and follows the qualitative methods. The temporal delimitation corresponds to the period between 2003, date of the federal overthrow, and 2007. The means used to collect of data were: bibliographic research, documental research involving public bodies and the press media. Were searched two newspapers, the O Popular and the Diário da Manhã, with the aim to get reports about the theme patrimony and Town Center. The field research was achieved in defined boundaries by the space delimitation and consisted in interview applied to the residents of Goiânia. It was prepared a schedule of interviews with questions semi-structured aided by a visual register of photographic images of buildings which compose the landscape of this region. The questions intend to grasp the sense and meanings of the patrimony to the resident/users of the city. The theoretical reference ally to the research in newspapers and the outcome of the interviews lead the reflections. It was adopted as parameters to the analyze of outcomes, considering the differences of each approach, the levels of representation space of Lefebvre (1974), the designed space, the perceived space, the lived space and the theory of social representation. This study analyzes the media information and talks about the residents understood as objectivities of mental world. This innermost world describe the representation of the patrimony and the Town Center of Goiânia and, based on the theoretical discussion that subsidize the reflections, proof that the overthrow patrimony does not is intelligible to the most of residents. Denotes a work to be developed in the sense of endow the citizens with acknowledge which give them access to the codes of reading matter implicit on the patrimony and allow the formation of perceptive judgments.



ARAÚJO, Márcia de. Goiânia Pioneer Nucleus: one intelligible patrimony?. 2010. 254 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.