Foucault e a escola [manuscrito] : disciplinar, examinar, fabricar

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In Modernity, the education was investided of the huge task to clarify and to emancipate the man, giving to his conditions of construction of the moral freedom. Simultaneously the production of the disseminating speeches of this conception, the school became white of speeches that, supported in statisticians of evasion, repeat and indiscipline, affirm the failure of this institution while formative space. Front to this question, this work, inserted in the Line of Research educational Culture and Processes, objective to argue the function of the school to discipline while former space of subjectivity, from analysis of the thought of the philosopher Michel Foucault. Having as hypothesis that inside of the society to discipline the school assumes the form of a sequestration institution in which, the techniques disciplines of secular control of the body and the act, the rigorous space distribution, the schedule and the examination concur for the establishment of a Normal standard that consists at the same time in a device of being able and a form to know, analyzes the efficiency of the school institution in the production process to knowledge the same on subject to the time when it produces a subjectivity docile and submissive the devices to discipline. The dimensions archaeological and genealogical of the Foucault‟s work with the objective are presented to analyze the formation of a modern subject, disciplined, which on the power if finds invested under the form of a normalizador know-power. The analysis of the thought of Foucault makes possible to affirm that, in the interior of the disciplines strategies, the school meets in a situation of identity to other institutions - prison, hospital, factory, they responsible for the production to know specific on the individuals, sciences human beings, returning under the form of techniques disciplines capable to produce new subjectivities. The study suggests the necessity of the construction of a new educative model, capable to create a modernity attitude in view of knowing and to form subjects able to breach with the strategies of the power to discipline and to adopt a position of invention front to the knowledge.



MOURA, Thelma Maria de. Foucault and the School: to discipline, to examine, to manufacture. 2010. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.