Piso salarial profissional nacional do magistério: conflitos e limites de sua implantação na rede pública estadual de Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This study integrates the line of research State and Education Policy of the Program of Post-graduation in Education from Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás. It has as its object of study the implementation of the Minimum Wage of Professional of the Magisterium (PSPN) in public field schools of Goiás. It aims to analyze the implementation of public policy for salary enhancement and highlighting the conflicts and highlighting the conflicts and limits that permeate the boundaries of the case. Using the bibliographic and documental search, this study concern is to describe the route of PSPN since the 1988 Federal Constitution, to the approval of the Law No. 11.738/2008 and empirically analyzes its implementation in the public state of Goias in 2009 establishing a relation between the financial years of 2008 and 2010. The guiding questions of the study include the analysis of the Law of the Minimum and its relation to other legal rules, the sufficiency of the Government of Goiás for implementation from the revenue and expenditure considered for the Development of Education (MDE), the relationship with the Fund for the Development of Basic Education and Appreciation of the Teaching Profession (Fundeb), the ratio of the number of students served by the number of teachers paid by the network and how to participate in the implementation process of the minimum wage as important agents of the Union Education Workers State of Goiás (Sintego), the Court of Goiás (GO-TEC), the State Council Fundeb (Confundeb), the Legislative Assembly and the government itself. The major conflicts involving the deployment of the minimum wage in the public state of Goias refer to the way that legislation is interpreted with emphasis on the mechanism used by the government to "fulfill" the Law: to divide the minimum wage into a deployment phase, 17 monthly and update it in another stage of four monthly pareels. There is also a conflict about the value of minimum wage: CNTE and for the Sintego PSPN in 2010 would be worth R $ 1,312.00 and for the government, based on interpretation of the Attorney General of the Union (AGU), the value is R$ 1.024,00. Insufficient financial, the adequation for a Career Plan in effect, how the expenses are treated with MDE, the low student / teacher ratio in the network and competition policies to expand the student's school time are major factors limiting progress in implementation of PSPN Goiás Despite the fragmentation of its implementation the minimum wage presents as a mechanism for enhancement of teachers' payment. As the government of Goiás has not complied strictly with the established subdivision, the starting salary paid in November 2010 was R $ 1,006.25, representing a growth of 40.6% compared to February 2009. Nevertheless, disregarding the inflation period, gauged according to a real increase of more than 30%. As a recent happening it was not possible to verify whether the implementation of the minimum wage had the effect desired by the researchers who advocate this policy of upgrading of teachers' payment which, among others, is set to attract and retain good candidates for teaching, and fighting multiexpedient and underemployment. However based on the years 2009 and 2010 in which case the implementation of this policy in public state of Goias, the minimum wage appears, along with the Career Plan in force, as a promoter of better salaries for the public teaching of basic education.



MACHADO, Jarbas de Paula. Minimum wage for the National Teaching: conflict and limits for its implementation in public filld of state Goiás. 2010. 220 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.