Concepções de inclusão escolar e linguagem: estudo de caso de alunos com alteração de fala e de linguagem incluídos na escola regular

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In the present study, we approach the scholar inclusion and language through a qualitative inquiry, characterized as a study of case. The instruments of collect of used data had been interviews, systematized observations in classroom and dialogues, and also bibliographical research and documents. We choose as the field of research a classroom in the interior of a regular school referred as Inclusive School of Reference (EIR), in the city of Goiânia, which there were registered, among other pupils, two children who had constituted the object of our research, one of them with cerebral paralysis and another one with mental deficiency, both with alteration of speak and language. This school is part of the State Program of Education for the Diversity in an Inclusive Perspective of the Superintendence of Especial Education (PEEDI/SUEE/SEE). The following problem was delineated to be investigated: how do teachers and pupils with alteration of speak and language deal with the inclusion from the implanted inclusive politics? For being tied with the research line Formation and Teaching Professionalization, the study in question had as objective to launch quarrels and to reflect about the inclusion process that is being developed in a school of regular education from its protagonists, so that teachers and specialists can do a work more articulated and integrated regarding to the inclusion of the people with deficiency, over all those with alteration of speak and language. For the study of case a historical treatment to the observed situation was attributed, with effort to understand the current situation of the scholar inclusion and all the dynamics that comes being produced since the politics implanted until the possible repercussion of these in classroom. About the aspect of the language, we performed a course by the socio-historical-cultural and by the psychoanalysis. Our theoretical referencial related to inclusion passed by the quarrels of Marques/UFJF (2000, 2001, 2003); Freitas/UNICAMP 2000,2002);Mantoan/UNICAMP (2001, 2003, 2006); Napoleão Freitas UFSM (2006);Stainback and Stainback (1999) of EUA and Mitller (2003) of England. The inquiry led to the following categories of analysis: conception of inclusion, services of support to the inclusion, pedagogical practice and development of speaks and language. The results pointed to the respect to the practical effects of the educational politics and to the way as the involved agents in education are dealing with the inclusive education. The results had also considered the importance of not only including the pupils in the structure of the inclusive school as well as in the discursive structure of classroom. As we think, this work constitutes a promising beginning of some reflections that are urgent and necessary for the pupils with alteration of speak and language inclusion in the regular schools



OLIVEIRA, Karla Suzane de. Conceptions of scholar inclusion and language: study of case of pupils with alteration of speak and language enclosed in the regular school. 2007. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.