Identidade cristã no século ii d.c. uma análise da i apologia de justino Mártir

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The intention of this study is to analyze the proposal of the making of Christian identity from the work entitled First Apology, by Justin Martyr. We believe that in the formation of Christianity, some authors such as Justin, promoted the project of creating a Christian identity, from the rules and practices that should equalize / standardize the fact of being a Christian in the first and second centuries A.D. Justin, in his First Apology, indicates what should be done and what should be avoided to be considered Christian, and such discourse allows the production of identity characteristics. To achieve this goal, we investigated the relationships of interculturality in the first and second centuries A.D, we researched and presented specific aspects of author and his work, such as: its dating, the extant manuscripts, the genre, the historical context, etc. Finally, in the last chapter, we presented closely at particular aspects of the First Apology: its internal structure, his idea about Jesus, the Jewish prophecies, the Christians as a race, those who were not Christians and the groups considered heretical, the relationship of the author with the stoicism and the Platonism, the author s intention in drawing up his speech and, finally, about the Christian identity proposed by him seen from the data above.



SANTOS, Samuel Nunes dos. Christian identity in the second century a.d. an analysis of the first apology of justin martyr. 2012. 178 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.