O que não devia ser esquecido: a anistia e os usos do passado na Constituinte de 1946

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The debate about amnesty in the National Constituent Assembly of 1946 involved a negotiation process initiated in 1945 with the amnesty decreed by the government Vargas. The amnesty decree signed by President Getúlio Vargas in 1945 aimed at the liberation of the Communists, in particular, Luiz Carlos Prestes in jail since 1936. Constituents elected in 1946, the Communists were "foreign body" of that Assembly. The political upheavals of the post-war and post-Estado Novo in Brazil have generated a resurgence of strong anti-communism in the country. The debate about amnesty in the Assembly involved, among other things, the political trial of the action of the Communists. The Assembly turned to the trial of the past. The impatience of opposition to the inheritance Vargas became the Constituent Assembly on stage for a battle of memory in two plans: the competition among political elites, and veto the Communists. The debate on the amnesty was far from promoting forgetfulness and forgiveness needed to disarm political, in contrast, memory was the scene of strong political dispute, feeding resentments and divisions that marked the Brazilian political life at that juncture.



SOUZA, Mayara Paiva de. What should not be forgotten: the amnesty and the uses of the past in the Constitution of 1946. 2010. 172 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.