Do projeto ao romance: uma análise de O tronco, de Bernardo Élis

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The violence and neglect to which he was subjected to people of the region of Goiás, in the 20 and 30 of the last century, appearing in the center of the narrative of Bernardo Élis. Continuer of the regionalist tradition in Goiás, in the footsteps of Hugo de Carvalho Ramos, and added with a certain communist ideal, Élis is an author in which writing is, necessarily, for a social purpose. Bernardo Élis, without giving up their political beliefs, accepts and incorporates the aesthetic achievements of the first Brazilian modernist moment, and he is even the introducer of this movement in the his State, and his literary books are affiliated the second phase of regionalism - the "conscience of underdevelopment", in the words of Antonio Candido (2006). If tales - genre in which Bernardo Élis is nationally recognized - its aesthetics linked to the question of the ciclo do gado (SANTOS, 2004), in O tronco, novel by Bernardo Élis more polished aesthetically, now already in its tenth edition despite high point as the murder that became known as "The Battle of Duro," the story not only spans the document, to recreate it as literature, but not be limited mainly to the chronicle of events, reaching what we now define a historical novel. Not having its meaning restricted to the engagement of the writer and the ratio of men and women are subjected to degrading conditions of survival, the novel goes further, and lends itself to understand these degradations through the structure of society goiana that moment, its contradictions, and, primarily, of their transformations: the external becomes internal in the piece of art (CANDIDO, 1976, p.04). Thus, through literature, O tronco shows gradual incorporation of Goiás to the national and international economic scenario, leading to substantial changes in the socioeconomic structure of the state.



TEIXEIRA, átila Silva Arruda. Project of the novel: an analyses of O tronco, of Bernardo Élis. 2010. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Lingüística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.