O fenômeno da monotongação no português Tapuio

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The phenomenon of monophthongization is characterized by the deletion of glides [j] and [w] in oral diphthongs and by denasalization [Ø] in nasal diphthongs, as a result of the deletion of the nasal segment [+nasal]. Preliminary studies on monophthongization in Brazilian Portuguese have revealed that its occurrence is determined by linguistic context. Thus, this phenomenon is restricted to falling, weak or true diphthongs − in which the glide is placed on the syllable coda − and it occurs frequently in spoken Portuguese. This study case aimed to investigate and describe monophthongization as a feature of the indigenous language of the community Tapuia do Carretão (GO), regarded as a variant of Brazilian Portuguese. In addition, this study shows how the community speakers regard their language. This indigenous group originated from a miscigenation process involving five indigenous nations (Xavante, Xerente, Javaé, Kaiapó do Sul, and Karajá) and non-indigenous races (black and white). The present findings reveal that monophthongization does in fact occur with greater frequency in falling diphthongs, but occurrences were also observed in rising diphthongs, in which the glide occupies the syllable s onset. In Tapuio Portuguese, this refutes the existence of strong and weak diphthongs because all diphthongs are susceptible to monophthongization. In addition, this study shows that monophthongization is a social phenomenon, and based on the study of networks by Milroy (1980), Bortoni-Ricardo (1985, 2005) and Rezende Santos (2008), this study shows that speakers of insulated networks tend to maintain their native language. Furthermore, the valorization of the monophthongized form was extended to all the community networks, which indicates an agreement among the speakers on this regard. The conscious use of the monophthongized form shows that the Tapuio community acknowledges this variant of Brazilian Portuguese as its indigenous language and that monophthongization is a dominant feature of Tapuio Portuguese



TRINDADE, Israel Elias. The phenomenon of monophthongization in Tapuio portuguese. 2009. 148 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Lingüística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.