A Última Princesa: Pensando a Ilustração do Livro Infantil, uma produção em gravura

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This masters dissertation deals with the children's book illustration from the standpoint of the illustrator, emphasizing the structural aspects of visual as well as the relationship of images with text. The production of an illustrated book, starting from the creation of the text until the final aspects of graphic production, highlighting in detail the process of designing and creating the illustrations, punctuatess comments and thoughts on specific aspects of this type of image.Within the text, are approached from the history of children's book illustration, to its development, going through technical aspects and focusing the discourse on the similarities and differences within the processes of production of manuals and digital images and their impact on the final results All this from the point of view of my own experience as an illustrator.



MACÊDO, Luciana Vasconcelos. The Last Princess: Children s Book Illustration. 2010. 205 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Processos e Sistemas Visuais, Educação e Visualidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.