Tempo e memória na ficção de William Faulkner

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This is a study of William Faulkner s works concerning the saga Yonapatawpha. The works were read from the themes of time and memory. We made a theoretical trajectory over time and noted the conception assumed in the 18th century novel, which has a singular and linear time, and in modern novel, in which time is singular/plural. We consider the narrative, in a general way, as a poetic solution to the aporetic of time and we point to the bond that the literary work has with the world and with the reader. For that we made a trajectory on the threefold character of mimesis, based on considerations of Paul Ricoeur. In this sense, firstly, we point out the relationship of the saga and the weaving of the plot with the history of the southern United States. This demonstration has assumed the intersection between fiction and history, for they, taken together, have the power to refiguring time. Secondly, we analyzed the novel The sound and the fury. At this point, we confined ourselves to discussions of Gerard Genette and Robert Humphrey, for beyond grasping the refiguration of time in the weaving of the plot, we wanted to seize it in the level of the immanent structure of the narrative. We have used the assumption that the narrative incorporated the concept of structure of social sciences, and focusing on the concept of structure, concurrency, that we kept the relationship between fiction and history. At this point, we demonstrate that the concept singular/plural time was mimicked in the immanent structure of the narrative. Finally, we bring to evidence that the relationship between time and memory points to the historical issues and to metaphysical questions, and to eternity, which is, for Plato and Augustine, the opposite of time of living, of experience. Moreover, we put into evidence that both history and eternity also incorporate the concept of singular/plural time. We return to the ideas of Ricoeur and undertake a discussion on the level of mimesis III, through dialogue with major critics of the Faulknerian work. We did our reading seeking convergence between the works The sound and the fury and Absalom, Absalom. From our reading, this convergence occurs in the interest of the Quentin for the history of Sutpen s family. These works, without releasing from the most linear aspects of time, explore the hierarchical levels which constitute the depth and the complexity of temporal experience. We finish the demonstration of the character of the threefold character of mimesis, and the levels of critical reading of a text which should point to two ways: to the configuration level of the work and to the world that this configuration protrudes out of itself, which is a world vision related to a temporal experience, which has its roots in the aporiae of St. Augustine, that is, in great contrast between the distentio and the intentio animi.



GRANGEIRO, Alessandra Carlos Costa. Tempo e memória na ficção de William Faulkner. 2011. 240 f. Tese (Doutorado em Linguistica, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiania, 2011.