A ciência na historiografia do Renascimento: de Jacob Burckhardt a Alexandre Koyré

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The present study has the proposal to analyze the way in which the birth of modern science was articulated within Renaissance’s historiography, particularly the relationship between science, philosophical thought and the various forms of writing history of thought in the first half of twentieth century. The first part we analyze the debate between Burckhardt and Cassirer and theirs interpretive differences. In the second we analyze a set of fundamental interpretations: from scientific Renaissance to absence of science in the very Renaissance. By studying this historiographical route we intend to think over the peculiarity of Alexandre Koyré’s interpretation and historiography of thought.



Pereira, Renato Fagundes - A ciência na historiografia do Renascimento: de Jacob Burckhardt a Alexandre Koyré - 2013 - 116 f. - Dissertação - Programa de Pós-graduação em Historia (FH) - Universidade Federal de Goiás - Goiânia - Goiás - Brasil.