Aprendizagem Colaborativa como método de apropriação do conhecimento químico em sala de aula

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research analyzed the relevance of the social interaction in teaching-learning processes, considering the Collaborative Learning as the methodology. Thus, texts from periodic Química Nova na Escola were used for reading and therefore analysis of the social interaction processes between the peers. From reading and comprehension of chemistry conceptions of the texts, the students should interact with their peers and to use the collaboration as a way of promoting understanding and helping the classmate to build a solid knowledge. The objects employed to analysis were peer moments interaction, teacher-student interactions as well, and the comprehension and learning of chemistry concepts considering the collaborative methodology. The analysis of data defined categories which established a pattern behavior and guided us to relation between learning collaboration and social interaction in the classroom. Therefore, the analysis signalizing a tool to be used to build an effective and autonomous process of teaching-learning. The results showed that in considering the peers as leading figure for the cognitive development, the projection of teaching-learning processes need to go beyond social interaction. This means the teacher‟s role is fundamental for interaction between peers and should be considered as a factor of cognitive development. Hence, the teacher should present multiples behaviors, promoting intellectual development for the student based on autonomy and effective actions for the students. The articulation between peers is another factor which showed a way of self-affirmation and individual development, as well as group development. This development is due to the fact of the student‟s knowledge of being evaluated and the fact they knew their voice was relevant in the learning process. Due to this acknowledgement, an autonomous, collaborative and meaningful action in the teaching-learning process is settled.



SILVA, Vitor de Almeida. Collaborative Learning as a method of appropriation of chemical knowledge in the classroom. 2011. 143 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.