Propriedades físicas e mecânicas de argamassa reforçada com fibras do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (FBC)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this work survey results are reported, it aimed at assessing, through laboratory tests, the exploitation of bagasse-cane (FBC) in composite cementitious (cement mortar, sand and FBC) assessing the physical and mechanical behavior of the material. Problems of chemical incompatibility between the bagasse fibers and cement matrix components have been removed by specific treatments on the CBF, such as washing, boiling, mineralization with chemicals an a mix of cement and water in different combinations. The sugar cane fibers brake down process, used in other studies conducted with the same material, was not necessary, because nowadays the CBF is already broke down in the production process in the ethanol and sugar industry. The fibers were washed and mineralized with inorganic salts (solution of sodium silicate at 5%; aluminum sulfate solution at 3%) and cream of cement (the concentration of 10:1 of water and cement), in order to protect the fiber against the aggressions of the alkaline mortar, trapping organic matter and the residual sugar to avoid interference in the reactions of cement cohesion, reduce the capacity of water absorption. Different concrete mixtures were tested, in order to find one with better compressive strength. The change occurred in the content of CBF added, may be 1.5 or 3.0% by weight of cement and the type of treatment that these fibers were submitted. Were defined traits and body-of-proof molded and compressed manually into cylindrical molds of 5 cm ø and 10 cm in height, corresponding to five combinations of treatments, two ages, two levels of fiber and three replicates, and two types of reference to variations in curing type (moist chamber and the tank with water and lime). Later, the bodiesof- evidence were submitted to tests of compressive traction in diametral compression and water absorption at 7 and 28 days. The best treatments results were: washed CBF + boiled; washed CBF +boiled+cream cement; and washed CBF + boiled + chemicals.



SILVA, Janaina Fernandes e. Physical and mechanical properties of mortar reinforced with sugar cane fiber (FBC). 2010. 144 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.