Indicadores de mortalidade materna em Goiás no período de 1999 a 2005:implicações para a enfermagem

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum bring alterations to women s body. In such periods, there is a redefinition of their identity, with altered relationship between the couple, within the family as well as with other members in the social context (MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE, 2002). The reproductive process was not idealized to end up in maternal death, since this is such a tragic episode which should never occur to women. Aims: to investigate maternal mortality in Goiás from 1999 to 2005; to describe epidemiological characteristics of women who died due to before and after birth complications; to identify the frequency distribution of maternal mortality rates by macroregional of health in Goiás and present the reason for maternal mortality in Goiás State. Method: this is an ecological descriptive epidemiologic study. For the description of maternal death occurring from 1999 to 2005, we identified the epidemiologic characteristics and causes related to this phenomenon, having as variables the place of occurrence, the year, the age, the educational status, race, marital status, causa mortis, and pregnancy-puerperal period in which death has occurred. The born alive rate of was obtained from the SINASC database. Data about the reason for maternal mortality in Goiás and in Brazil was obtained from DATASUS. Outcomes: 348 deaths were found in the sum of respective years. In Goiás, this study made clear the reality concerning maternal deaths. Dark-skinned and white women with 4 and 7 years of school completion, in reproductive age (20-29 years), and living in the Midwestern macroregion mainly due to direct obstetric causes, which are preventable. Conclusion: in sum, evidences shown in this study make it visible the importance to implement the birth humanization care program, provides to care managers and to healthcare workers both the knowledge and reflection upon obstetric practices and therapeutic management adopted in the assistance to pregnant women during and after birth.



RIBEIRO, Lorena de Almeida. Indicators of maternal mortality in Goiás from 1999 to 2005: Implications for nursing Obstétrica.. 2008. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.