Diagnóstico de enfermagem identificados em famílias em situação de acompanhamento hospitalar utilizando o modelo Calgary

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Family is a natural group that, through the times, has developed interaction standards, that they constitute the familiar structure, that, in turn, governs the functioning of its members, delineating its gamma of behaviors and facilitating its interaction. In accordance with Wright; Leahey (2002) the nursing has the commitment to include the families in the cares of health. Many evidences exist that the family assumes one meaning special for well-being and the health of its members, thus the nurses must consider the family of the patients as integrant part of the unit of care. Front to the displayed one, immerges the necessity to evaluate and to intervine together to the family of the people during the process of hospitalization, independent of which is its alteration of health. We know that an evaluation model does not exist that contemplates all the phenomena of the family. However, the Wrights; Leahey (2002) cite the necessity of the adoption of a clear conceptual structure, or map of the family. This encourages the synthesis of data, in order to be identified to the forces and the problems of the family, constituting a plan of useful and systemize treatment. The Calgary model involves evaluation (MCAF) and Intervention (MCIF) in the Family and constitutes the multidimensional one structure that possesss three main categories: structural, of development and functionary. These subcategories allow that the evaluation of each family is differentiated. Nor all the subcategories need to be evaluated in a first meeting with the family and some never will need to be evaluated. This study the June of 2006 through descriptive study has the objective to analyze the disgnostic profile of nursing identified in families of patients interned in the medical clinic of a hospital school during the period of January. They had been enclosed families who were following patient in the period for collection of data that had agreed to participating by means of signature of the term of free and clarified assent. The patient and its familiar ones had been taken as participant unit of the research. The findings had been argued focusing the disgnostic headings, related factors and characteristic defining to the light of the Model Calgary de Evaluation and Intervention 12 disgnostic of nursing,being 75% Reals and 25% of risk had been found. They had not been detected disgnostic of well-being the disgnostic average for family was of four, being that we had a family with 07 (seven) disgnostic ones and one with 02 (two). The ones that had gotten greater frequency had been: Tension Due to the Paper of Cuidador, gift in 100% of the families; in second, Harmed, present Verbal Communication in 75%, and together in third, Interrupted Maintenance of the Harmed Home and Familiar Processes, gifts in 66% of the families. The nurses need to be intent to the families who are on its cares, fitting to them to develop strategies shared with all the team to multidiscipline to protect the families in relation to these occurrences, to prevent that the adoecimento of a familiar one has taken the abalos greaters in the structure and functioning of the families. To make the evaluation of the families allows to identify to the difficulties for which these families passes, allowing a acurada intervention more on the part of the professionals.



MONTEFUSCO, Selma Rodrigues Alves. Identied disgnostic of nursing in families in situation of hospital accompainment using the Calgary model. 2006. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.