Vigilância Sanitária: uma perspectiva do cuidado em enfermagem

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Such like nursing, service of surveillance sanitary has her origin justified to worry with health of people fact observed when resume the history of both field of knowledge. You can realize that has a close relation at care of nursing and the service of surveillance sanitary, this make us to consider the great importance about the contribution of nurse in this job. But, in spite of guard close relation, the service of surveillance sanitary remain not very wellknow with the professional of nursing, this probably can be explicain by the presence unexpressive of contents relevant about the area of performance in the academic institution. This study has the intention to for tray the context about the service of surveillance sanitary like possibility care at nursing, helping the view, in the nursing area, about this service like performance of nursing at public health, with the perspective to understand this dimension, importance, relation of performing with others professionals and possibility of intervention. By the way, opt to using the method of study of case with quality approach to the development. The information collected studied using the analysis of contents, proposal by Bardin, would identify the matter nucleus in the communication of people and are important about the proposal objective. The results evidence that the understanding about care at nursing, the identify about this care at the service of surveillance sanitary and construction of own identify professional of nursing who act at this service and care narrow relation with 11 others, also, are familiarity related about academic formation and professional of nursing. Key words: Care of Surveillance Sanitary; Nursing and Surveillance Sanitary.



LEROY, Patrícia Luz Almeida. Surveillance Sanitary: a perspective of care at nursing.. 2007. 131 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Cuidado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.