A influência do Enem no processo de formação de leitores no ensino médio: uma proposta funcionalista para o ensino de leitura

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The Enem emerged in 1998, it was reformulated in 2009 and impacts the teaching of Portuguese in high school. Thus, this dissertation starts from the hypothesis that the items of Enem of the Portuguese Language favor the reading comprehension of high school students, contributing to the humanistic formation of the reading subject. This research is justified due to the urgency of thinking about Portuguese language teaching methodologies, because proficient reading is fundamental for every citizen. Therefore, it proposes to analyze the relationships between Enem's matrix of skills and competences and the Seduc-GO CR, if in fact they contribute to the formation of proficient readers, according to the functionalist bias of language. After a bibliographic study, a functionalist didactic sequence on reading was carried out with the research subjects. According to the specific objectives: to analyze the reading skill proposed in the Seduc CoR and the Enem Skills and Abilities Matrix [UdW1]; identify language and reading conceptions present in the Seduc CR, comparing them to the Enem Skills and Abilities Matrix, to verify reading skills of the research subjects about the 2016 Enem reading items and to propose reading activities that involve cognitive skills. Regarding the theoretical framework, it was based on the studies by Freitas (1995, 2014); Afonso (2009); Sacristan (1998, 2000), Mikhail Bakhtin / Volochinov (2006); Halliday and Hasan (1991); Antunes (2009, 2014); Neves (1997, 2002, 2010); Geraldi (2015, 2012); Marcuschi (2008); Kleiman (2011); Koch (2007); Solé (1998), Koch and Elias (2015), Colemer (2002) and Chartier (2001); Bunzen (2006); Suassuna (2012); Miguel (2015) and, finally, Schneuwly and Dolz (2004), among others. After performing this research of a functionalist nature, employing some elements of Textual Linguistics; It can be affirmed that the principles of textuality are important for the production of meanings and for the elaboration of arguments with suggestions for solutions to the proposed situations.



SILVA, Â. R. S. A influência do Enem no processo de formação de leitores no ensino médio: uma proposta funcionalista para o ensino de leitura. 2019. 208 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.