A literatura além do impresso: “inespecificidades” em Os famosos e os duendes da morte, de Ismael Caneppele, e Terminal, de Flávio Komatsu

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This doctorate thesis has as investigative interest two works of the contemporary Brazilian fiction – Os famosos e os duendes da morte (The famous ones and the dwarfs of death), by Ismael Caneppele (2010), and Terminal (Terminal), by Flávio Komatsu (2018). The main goal of this analysis is to observe the way how each romance answers to, in the ambits of their production, circulation, material formalization, as well as about its formal/thematic options and in the reading practices that make it possible and/or request, to a culture context and digital textualities. So, in order to admit that a concept of literature, anchored in an autonomous/a closed disciplinary paradigm, is no longer able to cover the literary scenario in digital contemporaneity, it is that this research makes use of an expanded perspective to think about the “mismatches” of consolidated categories or the “non-specificities” (the expression is by Florencia Garramuño, 2014) of/in the textualities that face the challenges - potentialities/contingencies - of digital media. The methodology of this research, which is of bibliographic nature, contemplates the theoretical-critical studies formulated by Canclini (2016), Garramuño (2014), Laddaga (2012), Ludmer (2010), Kluscinskas and Moser (2007), Jenkins (2009) , Bolter and Grusin (2000), Resende (2008), Rocha (014; 2016; 2018; 2019; 2020), among others. We hope that the results contribute to the debate about how literary is configured in digital contemporaneity, and endorse the reflections/problematizations about the expansion of fields, so urgent and necessary so that many textualities of the contemporary scene are not excluded or made invisible.



DIAS, Giselia Rodrigues. A literatura além do impresso: “inespecificidades” em Os famosos e os duendes da morte, de Ismael Caneppele, e Terminal, de Flávio Komatsu. 2020. 185 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.