A rotulação na construção argumentativa do gênero entrevista no programa Roda Viva

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work seeks to analyze the participation of referential labeling in the construction of argumentative interaction, from the precepts of the dialogical theory of argumentation, in a genre of the spoken language modality. The genre chosen for this study was the interview, specifically those carried out by the television program Roda Viva. Thus, this research should answer the following question: how does the label participate in the construction of the argumentative interaction developed in the Roda Viva interview program? In order to try to answer this question, a qualitative analysis, with an interpretive basis, was performed on the data obtained (GIL, 2002; GERHARDT, SILVEIRA, 2009). Through this type of research, we seek to privilege the process to the detriment of the product when analyzing aspects related to the labeling and the construction of the argument in the interviews transmitted by Roda Viva, paying attention to the way they (labeling and argumentation) relate via argumentative interactions between interviewee and interviewers. Taking this objective into account, the development of the research started from two different fields of study: Textual Linguistics and Argumentation. The first focused on the labeling process (FRANCIS, [1994] 2003; CONTE, [1996] 2003; CARVALHO 2005; KOCH, 2006, 2011; ALVES JUNIOR, 2011) and the second from studies of the dialogical perspective of argumentation ( PLANTIN, 2008, 2018; GRÁCIO, 2010, 2012, 2013; DAMASCENO-MORAIS, 2017, 2020, 2021). In addition to these two main theoretical perspectives, some assumptions of Conversational Analysis were mobilized (SACKS, SCHEGLOFF & JEFFERSON, 1974; KERBRATORECCHIONI, 2006; MARCUSCHI, [1986] 2003; KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI & PLANTIN, 1995; FÁVERO et al. 2010) and adapted by dialogical theory. Among them, we highlight the concepts of dialogue and exchange of shifts, starting from the notion that the first is constituted as the center of an interaction that implies the participation of, at least, two interactants that establish among themselves a communicative exchange (SACKS, SCHEGLOFF & JEFFERSON, 1974). In addition, support was also sought in the Theory of Linguistic Politeness when talking about face preservation and distance negotiation during an argumentative interaction (BROW AND LEVINSON 1987; GOFFMAN, 2011; MEYER, 1994, 2007). Labeling is established as a referential process that performs different functions within the text, contributing for the meanings and interpretations to be highlighted. Dialogical argumentation, on the other hand, starts from an argumentative interaction, that is, an interaction based on a stasis that arises from a discourse and a counter-discourse on the same subject in question (PLANTIN, 2008). This issue in question is viewed as different points of view are presented (GRÁCIO, 2010). In this sense, for Grácio, to perspective is to argue. For this research, three Roda Viva interviews were chosen - in which it was possible to visualize this perspective process and, from it, to verify how the participation of the labeling occurs - for the constitution of the RVIVA corpus, they are: interview 1, with Ricardo Salles; interview 2, with Glenn Greenwald; and interview 3, with Janaína Paschoal. They were selected because they present a more conflicting argumentative space in relation to other interviews on the same television program. From the data obtained, there were five forms of participation of the labels for the emergence of stasis and five forms of their participation in the construction of points of view. In addition, the interface between acting roles, labeling and politeness was seen.



SIMÂO, N. V. A rotulação na construção argumentativa do gênero entrevista no programa Roda Viva. 2021. 173 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.