Entre idas e vindas, reviravoltas e cinzas: acampamento Paulo Freire 4 – a resistência que brota da terra à luz do pluralismo jurídico

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The present study encompasses empirical and theoretical research aimed at identifying whether the occupation and resistance of the Paulo Freire Camp 4 possess elements of Legal Pluralism, and how they dialogue with the State. Part of the participant research, carried out through conversation circles, participant observation and semi-structured interviews as instruments of data collection, witch permited through the experience with the peasants allowed the historical survey of the Camp, its trajectory and forms of resistance and from then on compare with Legal Pluralism pointing out the similarities and contradictions arising from the organicity of the Paulo Freire Camp 4, where the construction and / or absence of rights occurs. It seeks to highlight the participation of the League of Poor Peasants of Rondônia and Western Amazonia as a social movement of struggle for the construction of new rights, contributing to the formation of new subjects that influence the reality of the peasantry. When dealing with legal pluralism, Critical Theories of Law in Brazil are pointed out: The Law Found in the Street, Participatory Community Pluralism and Insurgent Law as theories that recognize the protagonism of social subjects in the process of building new rights. It points out that Legal Pluralism, especially that highlighted by Insurgent Law, allows us to understand the plurality of actions that involve the social relations of the Paulo Freire Camp 4, in which it also points out the peasant trajectory in the State of Rondônia, in order to demonstrate that the peasantry brings at its heart the capacity for adaptation and transformation necessary to maintain its survival on earth.



COELHO, L. C. Entre idas e vindas, reviravoltas e cinzas: acampamento Paulo Freire 4 – a resistência que brota da terra à luz do pluralismo jurídico. 2021. 146 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.