Protagonismo feminino em terras de coronéis: mulheres em resistência

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The present work is the analysis of the performance of three women who, due to their intellectual formation, occupied a prominent place in the state of Goiás at the beginning of the 20th century. The pioneering work of Eurídice Natal, the first woman to preside at the Academia de Letras in Goiás, in 1904, takes place; Leodegária de Jesus, the first woman and the first black woman to publish a book of poetry, Corôa de Lyrios, in 1906; and Rosa Santarém Godinho, a pioneer in higher education, who for the first time in the state took two higher education courses, and was the first woman to graduate from the Law Academy in Goiás, in 1908. These women deserve to be highlighted, because, even though they were inserted in a society marked by a masculine-cis-hetero-patriarchal-coronelist power matrix, they managed to erase this pattern and stand out. The objective of this study is to understand and discuss the socio-discursive strategies by which the Triad Feminina da Cultura Goiana managed to break paradigms, stand out in Goiás, during “the Republic of the colonels” (CAMPOS, 2015). With that, the discussion developed in this work can contribute to the understanding of feminism in Goiás. The evidential empirical materiality of the discussions are documentary sources (historical documents) and bibliographic sources (publications). The study of these sources was guided by Carlo Ginzburg's Paradigm Indicative Semiotic (1989), under an interpretive perspective. The interpretation and discussion of the results has as theoretical support the assumptions of Fernando Báez (2010); Enrique Dussel (1993); Maurice Halbwachs (2011) and Moritz Lamberg (1896) to discuss the historical period, which, in turn, dialogues with the history and coronelismo of Goiás with Luís Palacín (2001); Francisco Itami Campos (2015); Célia Coutinho Seixo de Brito (1974) and August Saint Hilaire (1937). About patriarchy and coronelismo, we look at Gerda Lerner (2019) and Heleieth Iara Bongiovani Saffioti (1990). On feminism, the study is based on Bell Hooks (2019); Grada Kilomba (2019); Gayatri Spivak (1995); Maria Amélia de Almeida Teles (1993) and Maria Lugones (2020). Given these theoretical dialogues, therefore, it is expected to understand how women managed to create fissures in the oppressive context in which they lived and showed paths for pioneering women in the state of Goiás.



CUNHA, Geruza Tomás da. Protagonismo feminino em terras de coronéis: mulheres em resistência. 2021. 165 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.