Saberes e fazeres de mulheres assentadas: relações de gênero e os processos de empoderamento no território do Vão do Paranã (GO)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Rural settlements, materially and symbolically appropriated by different subjects, become territories, marked by power relations and also by affective relationships and belonging. Settled women and men have in the territory of the settlement a necessary space for family production and reproduction. The relationship among land, labor and family is the basis for socioeconomic and cultural development in the lot. Women, men and children have their work and space set to maintain the well-being of the family. However, this sexual division of labor and spaces neglects the reproductive and productive work of settled women and keeps them in the private sphere, reinforcing unequal power and gender relations between the sexes, as well as influencing on the constitution of their identities and territorialities. In this perspective, the present research aims to analyze the experiences, knowledges and actions of women in the rural settlements of the Vão do Paranã, highlighting the gender relations and the processes of female empowerment. Guided by the cultural geography approach, we opted for a qualitative methodology with theoretical and field research. The data of the field research were obtained through the tools of Participatory Rural Diagnosis (DRP), as a semi-structured interview with the settlers (over 20 years old), observation; mental maps and agricultural calendar. The research was developed in settlements Agrovila, Cynthia Peter, Mambaí, Capim de Cheiro and Paraná in the municipality of Mambaí (GO), and the settlement Nova Grécia in the city of Posse (GO). The thesis defended in this research is that the appreciation and recognition of women's work developed in the private / reproductive and public / productive spaces contributes to their empowerment. Through the readings, analyzes and experiences in the rural settlements of the Vão do Paranã, we conclude that besides the valorization of the work of the settlers there are other factors that favored / favor the changes in the power relations, they are: a) the constitution of the identity of rural women as workers, farmers and settlers; b) the acquisition of own income, by means of the commercialization of its production of the yard and of the garden; c) the insertion of the settlers in the public sphere, when participating in the fairs; d) knowledge of social and political rights and training in courses and workshops; e) participation in political spaces, such as associations, councils and syndicate. However, the empowerment process does not happen in the same way for all women, and although we have identified empowered settlers, with autonomy, self-esteem, and greater power of decision in the family, actions that contribute to the transformation of unequal gender relations established in settled families and society are necessary.



MESQUITA, L. A. P. Saberes e fazeres de mulheres assentadas: relações de gênero e os processos de empoderamento no território do Vão do Paranã (GO). 2019. 279 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.