BNCC: currículo utilitário-utilitarista de língua portuguesa/EM e as relações dialógicas nos discursos sobre língua(gem), gênero e o multiletramento digital

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research aims at investigating the discourses on language, genres and digital multiliteracy, in the Brazil’s National Common Curricular Base for High School, in relation to the teaching and learning of Portuguese Language (LP), and also to problematize the utilitarian view of teaching conveyed by the document. In this study, discourse is understood from a Bakhtinian perspective as an utterance that uses verbal or non-verbal signs to convey ideological values. Therefore, to discuss the discourses that emerged in the document, it was necessary to look at the context of production, as well as at the subjects involved in the situation and the ideological positions. In this qualitative bibliographic research, we used document analysis technique as a methodological procedure. To data discussion, we resorted to the dialogism discussed by the Bakhtin Circle as a theoretical framework (BAKHTIN, 1981, 2002, 2011; BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, 2006; MEDVIÉDEV, 2012; VOLOCHÍNOV, 2013, 2017; VOLOCHÍNOV/ BAKHTIN, 1976). Furthermore, the data pointed to the need for considering, in this thesis, the conceptions of language (GERALDI, 2002; TRAVAGLIA, 2006), discussions about genres (BAKHTIN, 2003; MARCUSCHI, 2005, 2008, 2010) and studies on literacy (SOARES, 1996, 2001, 2002; STREET, 2014); and digital multiliteracy (COSCARELLI, 2009, 2016; DUDENEY; HOCKLY; PEGRUM, 2016; ROJO, 2009, 2013, 2012, 2016). Thus, the analysis was carried out based on the categories: language, gender and literacy. In this research, we also dialogued with studies on curriculum to problematize the utilitarian view of Portuguese teaching. (SACRISTÁN, 2000; TADEU DA SILVA, 1995, 2001, 2010). The results reveal that the Base (BRASIL, 2018) dialogues with previous documents (PCN, PCN+ and OCEM) and hold the concept of language as an interaction and a text-based work with Portuguese. The document, under analysis, updates the discourses for the teaching of PL by considering that the work must focus on text, but from an enunciative-discursive perspective that address the fields of human activity where genres are born, circulate and change. The concept of literacy is updated as the new literacies, digital culture, digital genres, and their relationship with language are addressed in the abovementioned document. Thus, by conveying discourses on the teaching of PL, proposing learning objectives, skills and competences to be developed by students to promote multiliteracy, including digital, the BNCC/EM is configured as a curriculum, a document of identity (TADEU DA SILVA, 2001). Defend the thesis that although the document is open to the work with Portuguese from a language perspective as interaction, in dialogue with the theories of discourse genres and new literacies, Portuguese is the instrument that leads to the development of competencies in a utilitarian perspective. Even though the document proposes an integral formation as a persuasive discourse, it can be concluded, in this study, that the Base is a prescribed curriculum (SACRISTÁN, 2000), traditional (TADEU DA SILVA, 2001) and utilitarian-utilitarian (LENOIR, 2016), which aims at educating subjects through competences to obtain results in scale assessments and focus on the labor market. This perspective was mainly imprinted by the interference of the private agents in the elaboration of the document when they added their marketing interests.



NOGUEIRA, S. S. BNCC: currículo utilitário-utilitarista de língua portuguesa/EM e as relações dialógicas nos discursos sobre língua(gem), gênero e o multiletramento digital. 2022. 183 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.