Romancidade: sujeito e existência em leituras geográfico-literárias nos romances "A centopeia de neon" e "Os cordeiros do abismo"

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research was developed within the Program of Post-graduate studies in Geography from the Institute of Environmental Studies — UFG, under orientation of Professor Eguimar Felício Chaveiro, for which we adopt as a theme' readings of subject and existence in novels published in the context of metropolization of Goiânia. The starting point for the study was the finding that sociogeographic changes arising from the conservative modemization of capital in Goiás and from the new employment relationships in the course of metropolization of Goiânia produced inroads into the manner of urban existence. We are faced with a subject deeply marked by shuffling of signs in urban symbolic melting pot. Similarly, this incidence on the processes of symbolic production promoted the emergence of a contemporary novelistic narrative at the new metropolis, since the 198015. Two novels by authors from the state of Goiás, A centopeia de neon e Os cordeiros do abismo, provided support for Me thesis that, in tum, relies on the assumption that in the metropolization of Goiânia the novelistic creation fails to address Me subject of hegemonic rural bases — man and life countryside. The focos of the plot switches to the new contours of existence: an urban subject, fragmented, adherent to the emotion trade, to the consumerism, the cynical reason and desdation. The questioning of the theme is anchored on two fronts: the first asks about the connection between Geography and Literature with an approach able to maintain the vitality and specificity of each of the fields of knowledge. The question is: how to proceed to a reading of the space by the bias of literature without it being reduced to the role illustrative or representative of the geographic reality? The other strand questions about subjects captured by the antenna of the Brazilian produced novel, created or set in Goiás: how their fictional repertoires, invested in characters of the novels analyzed, intertwine the repertoires of the inhabitants of the metropolis? Different development strategies of the theme resulted in a plural approach and in a singular methodological course. The rapprochement between Geography and Literature, in the perspective to establish a dialogic process with the novel, led to a fruitful debate involving literary theory, where it was found a clear presence of lived space (geographical space) as a basic element in the origin of the novelistic genre. Coupled with the discussion of cartographic language in Geography, this dialog has led to the creation of maps of the novels, from which we conducted analyzes geographical and literary. The mappings put into operation different language systems. The transit between geographical thought and literary theory also resulted in the emergence of the term in the tifle of the thesis: "Novelcityness" (Romancidade). A junction of two categories of research, the novelistic genre and the city, with an overflow of meaning which refers to an immanent relationship between subject, city and romance. Geography and Literature in a single word.



Lima, Angelita Pereira de. Romancidade: sujeito e existência em leituras geográfico-literárias nos romances "A centopeia de neon" e "Os cordeiros do abismo". 2014, 235 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia (IESA) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia.