Funções e equações polinomiais comportamento da função do 3o grau

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper aims to study the algebric methods to solve polynomial equations, with a deeper study about 3rd grade polynomial equations. It firstly broaches the historical aspects about polynomial functions by mentioning some mathematicians who collaborated to the obtainment of these resolutive methods. One chapter is designated to the study of complexes numbers and polynomial that have a great importance to theme development. The objective was not to deepen in the study of complexes numbers and polynomial, but to put in relief the definitions, properties and theorems that are considerable to the paper base, once that a polynomial equation has at least a complex root (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) and that we always use the knowledge about the polynomial equations. By the end, resolutive methods for polynomial equations until 4rd grade are presented, emphasizing Cardano’s Formule and the algebric method for the 4rd grade equation, besides making a study about the relation between the coefficient and the roots of the 3rd grade equation, analysis of 3rd grade equation roots and the study of the 3rd grade function’s graphic.



QUEIROZ, Cleber da Costa. Funções e equações polinomiais comportamento da função do 3o grau. 2013. 52 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.