As novas tecnologias da comunicação e as formas de participação política

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Increasingly, initial conceptions about political practice are adapting to the new realities in which not only the mass media, as well as new virtual medial play vital role in forming the opinions, values and preferences of individuals. This research aims to analyze the new communication technologies as a new public sphere, where participation and political action can take place directly and contribute to the leveling of power. In times media, the conditions under which they develop the theory and practice of politics undergo abrupt changes as regards the forms of sociability and the streamlining and strengthening of interactions between individuals with the advent of new communication technologies. This dissertation proposes a discussion on the relevance of the aspects and processes of social and political discussions made possible by new communication technologies, especially social networks, and more specifically Twitter. Reflect until this point in the discussion and broadening popular participation in political life contributes for the emergence of a new democratic system where the citizen has a communication channel to interact less complicated and even charge actions of the ruling elite. We sought to examine whether these new forms of mediated interaction, in fact, contribute to the emergence of a new public space where policy action could happen if this new media that encourages participation and action and how and to what extent this happens. For this, we used the following research methods: literature to build the theoretical framework and establish key concepts that were later used in the analyzes: the case study and participant observation to collect and understand the data and the research and finally, an analysis of content for data analysis and setting the search categories.



TAVARES, Laura dos Santos. As novas tecnologias da comunicação e as formas de participação política. 2012. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.