Aceleração de uma variação do problema k-nearest neighbors

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Let M be a metric space and let P be a subset of M. The well known k-nearest neighbors problem (KNN) consists in finding, given q 2 M, the k elements of P with are closest to q according to the metric of M. We discuss a variation of KNN for a particular class of pseudo-metric spaces, described as follows. Let m 2 N be a natural number and let d be the Euclidean distance in Rm. Given p 2 Rm: p := (p1; : : : ; pm) let C (p) be the set of the m rotations of p’s coordinates: C (p) := f(p1; : : : ; pm); (p2; : : : ; pm; p1); : : : ; (pm; p1; : : : ; pm􀀀1)g we define the special distance de as: de(p;q) := min p02C (p) d(p0;q): de is a pseudo-metric, and (Rm;de) is a pseudo-metric space. The class of pseudo-metric spaces under discussion is f(Rm;de) j m 2 N:g The brute force approach is too costly for instances of practical size. We present a more efficient solution employing parallelism, the FFT (fast Fourier transform) and the fast elimination of unfavorable training vectors.We describe a program—named CyclicKNN —which implements this solution.We report the speedup of this program over serial brute force search, processing reference datasets.



MORAIS NETO, Jorge Peixoto de. Aceleração de uma variação do problema k-nearest neighbors. 2014. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.