Experimentação investigativa em ciências e a formação do conceito de germinação

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Teixeira , Lithyeri Paulista

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Science classes where teaching is based on the transmission teaching, fragmented contents, dissociated to learners reality and memorization approaches have little contributed to assimilation of concepts by students. In order to break with this traditional approach to the teaching of Science, this study is aimed at analyzing the construction of knowledge through didactical changes, proposing a sequence of five classes where the main theme is Germination, structured by experimental investigation. To achieve our objectives we suggested teaching approaches where learners participated actively in the construction of their learning process while the teacher plays the role of a critical advisor which is the opposite of transferring constructed knowledge, this way, providing investigative moments, discussions about the theme proposed and permitting the continuation of construction of concepts which can be re elaborated in each new experimental activity, thus, creating new opportunities for the learners to think, reflect, question and still feel motivated to continue their inquiries. The methodological approaches used in the current study was the Action Research and the reason why it was chosen was for the fact that once the research question emerges from the field where the researcher works and, as the research proceeds, there is a necessity of improving the research problem. The Action Research suggests didactical changes through the uses of experimental investigative classes where learners have the opportunity to contribute their ideas and thinking about seed Germination, as well as work on a suggested problem, suggest means to solve the problem, collect and analyze information, write about their acquired knowledge on the subject, and, thus, work on reading texts as well as watching videos about the studied theme. The data collected consisted of students written texts and lectures recorded during the classes. The data analyses showed that in the beginning of the process students had very low knowledge about the subject matter, however, as the activities proceeded, they became more and more proficient in the knowledge that we wanted to share.



Ensino de ciências, Experimentação investigativa, Formação do conceito de germinação, Science teaching, Investigative experimentation, Formation of the concept of germination


TEIXEIRA, Lithyeri Paulista. Experimentação investigativa em ciências e a formação do conceito de germinação. 2014. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.