Gêneros discursivos como objetos de ensino de língua portuguesa no ensino médio

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper aims to look into the way to use Bakhtin’s theory, especially by means of the discursive genres, as well as to reflect over the conducted by the Didactic Sequence (DS), on a dialogical perspective which aims at contributing to the teaching work. We also seek to analyze and intervene in school reality during the Portuguese lessons. Teaching-learning situations in a third year high school classroom of the State School, in Senador Canedo-GO city are analyzed through the methodology which is centered on action-research. A study focused on language conception, based on Bakhtin’s (2003, 2006), Rojo’s (2001, 2005), Dolz’s and Schneuwly’s (2004) notions and concepts, and many other authors’ was performed as dialogical activity which updates the quotidian discourses and materializes itself in the diversity of discursive genres. The analyzes of three DS lead to the conclusion that the teaching methodology guided by the assumptions of social interactionist theory of discursive genres motivates the students to language skills of writing and reading activities and brings benefits to these students, since, from performance of these skills, students seek linguistic and discursive alternatives to overcome learning difficulties presented in the processes of language and discourse development.



SILVA, Rosangela Costa da. Gêneros discursivos como objetos de ensino de língua portuguesa no ensino médio. 2014. 162 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística), Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.