Estabilidade primária do implante: correlação de medidas subjetivas e quantitativas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The aim objective of this study was to evaluate the association of the classifications subjected of bone tissue in areas to dental implants and compare it with objective parameters for assessment of primary stability: final insertion torque (TIF) and the frequency of resonance (AFR). Method: 52 patients previously selected partially edentulous were treated with 135 dental implants (TI Cortical Titamax - Neodent ®, Curitiba, PR, Brazil) in the posterior and anterior maxilla (N = 58) and mandible (N = 77) using method conventional two stage. The diameter of the implants ranged from 3.75 mm to 5.0 mm and length of 9.0 mm to 15.0 mm. The bone sites selected for rehabilitation with implants were subjectively classified as bone quality by three independent observers using three subjective methods different: radiographs panoramic and periapical and tactile perception of the operator during drilling site implantable - classification of Lekholm & Zarb original (L&Zoriginal); panoramic radiograph and periapical - classification of Lekholm & Zarb modified (PP), trabecular bone pattern - classification Lindh (Lindh). And objectively assessed by recording the final insertion torque (TIF) obtained electronically by the engine BLM 600 Plus Driller or manually by the turnstile and through analysis of resonance frequency (AFR) obtained at the time of implant installation and four months later, during to reopen. Results: The TIF ranged from 15 to 80 Ncm (Mean = 37.91, SD = 16.87) showing a significant correlation with the ratings L&Zoriginal, PP, AFR initial and reopened and the diameter of the implants (p <0.01). The initial ISQ values ranged from 37-90 (mean = 73.31, SD = 9.80) and ISQ reopening ranged from 22 to 95 (mean = 77.86, SD = 10.08) with significant correlation of the initial ISQ and reopened with all sorts of subjective type bone, with the TIF and the diameter of the implants (p <0.01). The classification of type bone that he thought the tactile perception of the operator (L&Zoriginal) group had better ability to predict the values of EP (AFR and TIF). In conclusion, the classification of L&Zoriginal is an effective method for predicting values of EP and modifications in the implementation of the method as originally proposed could undermine that assertion.



FERREIRA, G. M. Estabilidade primária do implante: correlação de medidas subjetivas e quantitativas. 2010. 44 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Odontologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.