Araguaia – depois da guerrilha uma outra guerra: A luta pela terra no Sul do Pará, impregnada pela Ideologia de Segurança Nacional (1975-2000)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis analyzes the changes that occurred in southern Pará in the period after the Araguaia Guerrilla . Studies on the region aimed to understand how the Brazilian government , still under the domain of the military , has adopted policies to exercise effective control over an area just out of a guerrilla movement , whose crackdown harshly affected the same population , with many people having been arrested and subjected to imprisonment and torture . And the definition of a power paramilitary built by Major Bullfinch . In the first chapter the characterization of the region aims to present the conditions of a harsh environment , profoundly transformed by uncontrolled deforestation for illegal marketing of wood, and later , aiming to transform it for agropastoral production . The geographical categories , region, place and territory were conceptualized and understood in their peculiarities , being fundamental in the analysis of the research object . The second chapter studies the actions of the Brazilian state, which defines the region , the eastern part of the Amazon , such as strategic and , through national and regional developments attempted to exercise control over it . Identified in the survey that measures adopted following the precepts contained in the ideology of National Security , and thereby social movements were criminalized . We found that the media , especially SNI and CIE , acted with much emphasis to contain the peasant organization and strengthened the power of the Major Bullfinch , that since the end of the Araguaia Guerrilla constituted the key element of the military dictatorship in the region , in formation of a paramilitary power and defining an extensive territory in which the actions were harshly enforced by a fear of resurgent guerrilla . The third chapter examines the conflicts that took place after Guerilla , fruit of the peasant struggle to secure land tenure . Farmers , law enforcement authorities , big businessmen allied to the policies implemented in the plans of the military dictatorship and turned the region into one of the most violent in the country was possible to prove our hypothesis that agents of the Brazilian state acted based on principles defined by National Security doctrine , which turned into internal enemies those who responded to the theft of public lands practiced with impunity and with the support of the authorities . Murders succeeded when union leaders were eliminated , clerical and parliamentary practiced by gunmen and police at the behest of farmers . At the end , the hypothesis is confirmed , demonstrating the existence of a power paramilitary under the command of Major Curio , the use of the ideology of National Security to fight those who fought for land and the implementation of policies that favored the large landowners land and / or companies who have invested in the region accumulating tens of thousands of acres that once lived peasant families . We conclude that the actions of the Brazilian government were fundamental to generate the violence that characterized the region before an obsessive fear of the possible reorganization of the guerrilla movement . For this , we used centered theory authoritative works of classical authors of geopolitics , both in its origins and Brazilian studies , in this case those linked to military doctrines generated around the Superior School of War ( ESG ), the research done previously in region , who analyzed the phenomenon of occupation and expansion fronts and pioneering works that have become classics and the stories of characters who lived the everyday violence and were marked for death .



CAMPOS FILHO, R. P. Araguaia – depois da guerrilha uma outra guerra: A luta pela terra no Sul do Pará, impregnada pela Ideologia de Segurança Nacional (1975-2000). 2013. 299 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.