Pencas de balangandãs: construção histórica, visual e social das "crioulas " no século XIX

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The dissertation aims to understand the jewelry balangandã trinkets, used by the Brazilian African, called “crioula”, from nineteenth-century in Salvador - Bahia. The jewelry was used in a mixed slave society full of racial distinction, it was seen as an artifact, in other words, as a human production, with meanings that contributed to historical and social construction. From a qualitative study and in a cultural visual approach, the jewelry was studied through the analysis of nineteenth- century photographic images. Bibliographical research was done about balangandã trinkets, images analysis, racial constructions and visual culture. The study was designed in three stages: 1) the description of the methods of studies adopted; 2) the study of the bangles from their origins since racial issues and African Diaspora in Brazil to the description of its components and; 3) analyses of photos of XIX century Crioula wearing typical costumes and their meaning and relationship with the construction of the image of women called “crioula”.



HARDMAN, A. S. Pencas de balangandãs: construção histórica, visual e social das "crioulas " no século XIX. 2015. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.