Educação e tecnologia: imagens eletrônicas na escola

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Information and communication technologies (ICT) create new spaces which redefine the limits of the places of discussion, reflexion and visibility. These media influence the behaviours and opinions, by creating new mappings of ideas, facts and events. This research sought to reflect about displacements propitiated by the growing using of digital images in the scholar environment. It – the research – also used as methodological procedure the analysis of some teachers’ narratives and their conceptions related to the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC). These teachers, arising from a public school of basic education in the city of Goiânia/GO, offered their reports by means of formularies, illustrations (cartoons), elaboration of lesson plans and collective discussions concerning all the process. The research was developed at Escola Municipal Benedito Soares de Castro, this school integrates the Rede Municipal de Ensino de Goiânia and it is located on Conjunto Caiçara – suburb of West Region. This is the single school on neighborhood and it attends children full time using the learning cicles, in this case, cicle I and II, the age of students is about six and twelve years old. The theoretical paths which substantiate the research are all related to the ideas of Deleuze, Guattari, Duncum, Martins, Tourinho, Pinto and some other authors, thus triangling the ideas of rhizome, visual culture and education. The results mapped point to usages of the electronic images in the classroom as a didactic support, indicate the existence of a demand for more knowledge about technology and also show scarcity of materials as being the complicators of the satisfactory using of those NTIC which are attached to the image. Some factors, like the organization of the scholar time, the capacitation and the lack of equipment were all listed as being barriers to be transposed. We concluded that the educators want to use the cyberculture in a positive way, and that they are moved for a desire of getting out of the position of disadvantage in which they believe to be in comparison to the students, a desire of abridging the distance that exists between these two universes. However, they also realize that it implicates in decentralizing the teacher, and it is a displacement that brings many challenges still not treated with the necessary lucidity that the contemporaneity requires in order to think the education of the present times.



SILVA, A. A. Educação e tecnologia: imagens eletrônicas na escola. 2015. 102 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.