A família como construção de memória: o uso da imagem da família em De Vita Caesarum de Suetônio e a construção da memória de Nero (Séculos I e II d.C.)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this research we will discuss the family role and how Suetonius, in his work De Vita Caesarum, makes use of that to construct a negative memory of the Emperor Nero. For that we will observe the imperial ambience at which the biographer was inserted and we will also try to understand how that, with its political program, influenced the work writting. Because it is a research specially toward to family role, we will have an unfolding about the family centrality in many roman domestic attitudes and the public effects of such actions. However, for considering the biography of an Emperor, we will focus on the way such family values have their potentiality enlarged and modified in imperial family. Then we will see in which aspects Suetonius arranges them in order to present the searched nefarious image about Nero.



GÓES, G. C. A família como construção de memória: o uso da imagem da família em De Vita Caesarum de Suetônio e a construção da memória de Nero (Séculos I e II d.C.). 2015. 167 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.