Análise geoquímica e ambiental das bacias hidrográficas dos córregos Almeida e Santa Rita em Aparecida de Goiânia/Go


The urban dynamics combined with the rapid growth of cities, in many cases poorly planned, generates a range of social and environmental problems that end up negatively impact natural systems and counterproductive way to affect water resources. Therefore, this research was developed that aimed to analyze the environmental condition of watersheds in urban areas, having as object specific the watersheds of streams Almeida and Santa Rita in Aparecida de Goiânia/GO. To achieve the goal were followed four basic steps, namely (1) the analysis of the environmental quality of springs, (2) environmental analysis of river basins, (3) the analysis of the environmental condition of critical parts of basins and (4) the physicochemical and microbiological analysis of water from river basins. To analyze the environmental quality of the springs was developed and implemented a Rapid Assessment Protocol, where were established some parameters for checking the quality of the springs as water color, odor, waste, floating materials, foams, oils, the sewer, the preservation of vegetation use by animals, for human use, site protection, the proximity to residences or establishments and type of each spring insertion area. It was found that among the sources analyzed only 33% have positive environmental quality and 67% of springs suffer from impacts that compromise their systems. In environmental analysis they were identified the most intense environmental impacts as siltation, erosion, pollution and contamination of soil and water by solid waste and liquid resulting from domestic and industrial sources, and other processes which lead to degradation of the environment. To assess the environmental condition of the water body eight were selected excerpts and it was developed and implemented a Rapid Assessment Protocol composed by analysis of parameters such as the type of occupation of the banks of the water body, erosions nearby and/or the banks, silting up of the bed, anthropogenic change, vegetation cover on the bed, the smell of water, water oiliness, water transparency, the odor of the sediment (background), the oiliness of the fund, the fund type, the type of bottom habitats, types of substrate, the deposition of mud, changes in the river channel, the characteristics of the water flows, the presence of riparian vegetation, the stability of margins, riparian forest extension, presence of aquatic plants and the extent and frequency of rapids. In this analysis, only two stretches had good environmental condition, being considered preserved environments. For physical-chemical analysis of water quality were chosen three sampling points: one in the stream basin Almeida (point 1), another in the creek watershed Santa Rita (point 2) and the third at the meeting of the two basins (point 3). This analysis considered the following parameters: turbidity, color, pH, iron, hardness, chloride, alkalinity, oxygen consumption, CO2 free, electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids. From these, we found the level of pollution and water contamination, and the basin of the stream Almeida possessing more polluted and contaminated water and the basin of the stream Santa Rita with the highest level of quality water. It was also made microbiological analysis of water in the same spots. In all of them the count of heterotrophic bacteria, the amount of total coliforms and E. coli exceeded the limit allowed by law. Thus, from these four steps we believe we have developed a survey that can bring to light the problems environmental existing in urban watersheds of the municipality and thus provide subsidies for the construction of social and environmental policies in Aparecida de Goiânia/GO, given that that these problems permeate also the breakdown of social structures. Similarly, we consider relevant the contribution of this work to new academic researches in watersheds situated in urban areas.



BELIZÁRIO, W. S. Análise geoquímica e ambiental das bacias hidrográficas dos córregos Almeida e Santa Rita em Aparecida de Goiânia/Go. 2015. 219 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás,Goiânia, 2015.