Efeitos da exposição pré-natal ao cloreto de alumínio sobre o desenvolvimento da próstata de gerbilos

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Normal prostate development is highly dependent of an equilibrated hormonal regulation, so that sensible interferences during this period may predispose the gland to lesions during ageing. Industrial activities have increased the exposure of this gland to active elements found in environment. Within these elements, we find aluminum, the first metal being and the third chemical element more abundant in earth crust. Independently from the complex form in which it can be found, it presents toxic effect for living beings having the potential to disrupt the development and growth of several organs and systems, when ingested in high doses. However, little scientific evidence shows the effects of exposure in the reproductive system. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate whether the intrauterine exposure to aluminum chloride (AlCl3) may alter the male and female ventral prostate of neonatal and adult gerbil. Two groups where formed: control and AlCl3. The pregnant females received daily doses of AlCl3 (100 mg/Kg/day) or from the dilution vehicle, from 17th to 24th gestational day. Following the birth, males and females were separated and euthanized with 1 (PN1) and 90-days-old (PN90). The ventral prostates of male and females of the experimental groups were removed and collected, and later, structural, cytochemical and immunohistochemical analysis were conducted. Furthermore, the branching pattern of the prostate in one day-old animals was described by three dimensional reconstruction. Here, we demonstrate that the Al decreases the body weight of PN1 males and females, and also reduce the anogenital distance (AGD) of PN1 females. Moreover, Al changed the prostate developmental patterns of PN1 animals, causing an increase in proliferative status and decreasing androgen receptor (AR) immunomarking. These data suggests that the aluminum-promoted changes were permanent, since these differences in AR immunomarking were also observed either in adult females or males. Therefore, we reveal that the Al acts as an endocrine-disrupting chemical, changing the antiandrogenic activity of prostate epithelial and stromal cells.



GOMES, L. S. Efeitos da exposição pré-natal ao cloreto de alumínio sobre o desenvolvimento da próstata de gerbilos. 2016. 77 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.