Fé subversiva: uma análise do conflito sociopolítico da ideologia anabatista com as demais propostas da Reforma Protestante na Europa Central entre os anos de 1525 a 1555

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis’ object is about the conflict between the Anabaptist movement and the others protestant divisions in the Protestant Reformation, between 1525 and 1555 in Central Europe. The central problematic is the reason that led the other reformers to condemn the Anabaptists. The main hypothesis is that Anabatists’ radical theological proposal was also a subversive ideological proposal. The research was based on the movement sources, not the antagonists’ sources, as it is common in historiography. In the first chapter we analyzed the socio-spatial foundations of the movement, identifying its main support groups. It was found that the Anabaptists were predominantly formed by various social segments, which were dynamic and of urban origin. In the second chapter, we investigated the first Anabaptist ideological proposal; their theology denied baptism to children was intended to separate the secular and religious powers. In the third chapter we tried to understand the pacifist ideological proposal. In the fourth and final chapter, we analyzed the proposal of ending private property. The hypothesis that the Anabaptists did not share their properties was not confirmed. It is perceived that the persecution to them was misled; they were wrongly accused of preaching something that they did not preach indeed. The third Anabaptist ideological proposal was about taking care of the poor, according to the other reformers wings. Therefore, it was concluded that the Anabaptists were not only persecuted by their different theology, but their ideology, which is refusing to baptize children and fighting the Turks. And this persecution was not motivated because they were poor peasants, since their top leaders were members of the urban elite, and there were followers from all social groups.



RAMOS NETO, João Oliveira. Fé subversiva: uma análise do conflito sociopolítico da ideologia anabatista com as demais propostas da Reforma Protestante na Europa Central entre os anos de 1525 a 1555. 2016. 226 f. Tese (Doutorado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016.