Participação dos grupamentos noradrenérgicos bulbares A1 e A2 na recuperação cardiovascular induzida pela administração intravenosa de solução salina hipertônica em ratos submetidos à hemorragia hipovolêmica

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Several studies have determined the importance of intravenous infusion of sodium chloride (NaCl) solution in the cardiovascular recovery of hypovolemic hemorrhage (HH). Studies show the increased activity of the noradrenergic groups A1 and A2 in response to increased osmolarity in normovolemic rats. However, the participation of these neurons in the integration of the reflexive responses that lead to hemodynamic recovery and to the cardiovascular improvement induced by the infusion of hypertonic saline (HSI) solution during hypovolemia remain to be clarified. The present study sought to elucidate the participation of the noradrenergic groups A1 and A2 in cardiovascular recovery by HSI after HH in anesthetized rats. For this, mice should receive nanoinjections of 100 nL saporin (0.022 ng ∙ nl-1) or saporin-anti-DβH (0.105 ng ∙ nl-1) in the NTS region and/or bilaterally in the CVLM. After 20 days, the animals were instrumented to record the cardiovascular parameters: mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), renal vascular conductance (RVC), and aortic vascular conductance (AVC). HH was induced for 20 min by withdrawal of blood until a MAP reached about 60 mm Hg. Then, HIS (NaCl, 3M, 1.8 ml ∙ kg-1)



MARQUES, S. M. Participação dos grupamentos noradrenérgicos bulbares A1 e A2 na recuperação cardiovascular induzida pela administração intravenosa de solução salina hipertônica em ratos submetidos à hemorragia hipovolêmica. 2017. 63 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.