BrailleÉcran: uma abordagem para entrada de texto em Braille para smartphones

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Touch screens have made smartphones much more dynamic. However, due to the absence of the physical keyboard, they also made them less accessible for visually impaired people. Considering the input of text as a primary function, the objective of this research was to develop a method that uses the Braille System for typing, from a new virtual keyboard, which is supported by a tactile film superimposed on the touch screen. The method was constructed considering the mobile accessibility guidelines developed by the W3C, World Wide Web Consortium, and the monitoring of a specialist user with congenital blindness and Braille literacy. As a result, BrailleÉcran was developed, the combination of an Android application with a tactile film modeled for 3D printing. Besides the film, the application has the "Configuration Panel", which allows the application to adapt to user preferences and the "Help Center", which provides a spoken tutorial. For evaluation, 10 volunteers performed the experiments that allowed the verification of speed, accuracy, usability and user experience. As a result WPM = 2.52 and TER = 2.68. The usability questionnaire brought positive results, of which we highlight the "You liked to use" issue with 90% acceptance. In the PANAS questionnaire, all the positive affects obtained a maximum score and the negative affects a minimum score. It is estimated that this research offers society not only a method but a quality assistive technology that provides more independence for the visually impaired. In addition, to expand the studies in this area, the prototypes are open source and are available for access and future contributions.



SIQUEIRA, Joyce. BrailleÉcran: uma abordagem para entrada de texto em Braille para smartphones. 2017. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.