O cenário agrícola goiano: a dicotomia agronegócio x agricultura familiar

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The image of agribusiness is closely linked to the idea of progress, surplus production, and income generation. However, the other side of this model of agricultural production highlights the environmental and social impacts caused by the overexploitation of agriculture in the capitalist molds, leading to violations of basic fundamental rights, such as the right to life, a balanced environment and adequate food. On the contrary, family farming, an agricultural model considered inferior, obsolete and obsolete in relation to the use of technologies, although it is fundamental in the production of foodstuffs, is increasingly losing space for monocultures aimed at producing commodities. Of causing social and rural imbalances, affects the production of food for human consumption. The present study focuses on the role played by family agriculture in the Brazilian rural and economic development and in the promotion of food security, seeking to show that agribusiness expansion, besides aggravating environmental and social issues, contributes to aggravate the problem of Hunger, as well as to raise food insecurity rates in Goiás. For this, the methodology of this work is based on bibliographical review as well as data analysis / comparison.



CRUZ, Renata Medeiros da. O cenário agrícola goiano: a dicotomia agronegócio x agricultura familiar. 2017. 175 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.