José Godoy Garcia e a poesia modernista em Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The present study has the purpose of bringing to light the work of José Godoy Garcia, In particular the book Rio do Sono (Sleep River) (1948). For this purpose, It was necessary to appeal to considerations about authors traditionally affiliated with Modernism, as Mário de Andrade, Manuel Bandeira and Carlos Drummond de Andrade. It was also necessary for us to locate the Modernism in Goiás and its relation to the publication of the various numbers of the magazine Oeste. The decisive role of Léo Lynce, Bernardo Élis, José Décio Filho and José Godoy Garcia so that the Modernism would gain place in Goiás was provided by such a press vehicle, seen as a true herald of the innovations proposed by such literary period. The texts published in the magazine demonstrate the climate of ideological conflict in which the State of Goiás was, Because there were some authors who were still attached to the past movements, publishing poems that mirrored characteristics of Parnassianism and Romanticism. This confluence of literary styles made us realize the hybrid panorama of our literature in the first half of the 20th Century. After verifying these formative aspects of Modernism in Goiás, We began to analyze the poetic construction and how all these factors influenced the work of José Godoy Garcia. We find that the author went beyond mere modernist fads, strongly exercising the role of literary critic and making evident the concern with the underprivileged, with the marginalized beings, with those who had no space in poetry. What we found, then, was a well-known author of his social role and master of his poetic practice, which made the poet to be recognized not only by his contemporaries, but also by other poets and other scholars of literature. We find that although he is not a goiano author with enormous commercial recognition, his works reflect well the maturity and conscience of those who knew how to measure the language appropriate to the poems, essays, short stories and other textual genres to which he appealed. In order to base our incursions on the work of Godoy Garcia, we use several theoretical contributions, among which we highlight: Afrânio Coutinho (1996), Antônio Geraldo Ramos Jubé (1978), Darcy França Denófrio (1996), Gilberto Mendonça Teles (1964), Humberto Eco (1979), Massaud Moisés (1974), Octávio Paz (1974) and Tzvetan Todorov (1978), to support this dissertation.



PERES, L. G. José Godoy Garcia e a poesia modernista em Goiás. 2017. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.