Regularização territorial do quilombo mumbuca: identidade e memória como fundamento da propriedade quilombola

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The object of this Masters dissertation is the traditional quilombola community denominated Mumbuca, with population of approximately 150 people, whose predominant religion is Protestant and is located at the countryside of Mateiros, Tocantins. This community has been suffering with the overlapping of their centenary territory at Jalapão (PEJ-Environmental Protection Area of Jalapão, conservation unit, created on 31 July 2000, by law no 1.172). It is a conservation area, so the community's cultural practices are being compromised. In addition, the legal uncertainty of their territory guarantee, according to article 68 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act (ADCT), since the community has been waiting for more than twelve years the land property regularization process of their territory by the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA). In order to carry out this study, the author performed: bibliographical research; documentary analyses (concerning the legal and administrative processes); and oral history of Mumbuca Community (through semistructured interviews). The main objective of this research was to give visibility to the Mumbuca Community history (by memory), and identify the legal, territorial and ethnic-racial conflicts seeking to guarantee the constitutional rights of the quilombolas. Also, to analyze the position of the legal practitioners in Brazil for the resolution of such conflicts. Finally, this research analyzed the changes that have occurred within the community after the PEJ implementation, verifying its contribution in the affirmation (or not) of the Mumbuca identity.



CAVALCANTE, J. P. R. Regularização territorial do quilombo mumbuca: identidade e memória como fundamento da propriedade quilombola. 2018. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.