Desjudicialização da usucapião: breve análise do procedimento extrajudicial
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The movement to dejudicialize demands for effective access to justice has
become a trend in Brazil, as for example occurred with the implementation of the out-ofcourt procedure to resolve demands involving inventory, sharing and divorce. Faced with
the great contiguous of demands in the judiciary power, it is necessary to search for
alternatives that make the solution of conflicts, giving a response in a more agile and less
costly way possible. In this tuning, with the changes promoted by the reform of the Code
of Civil Procedure, a great novelty was established with the promulgation of Law No.
13.105/2015, the procedural flexibilization of the institute of usucapion, and it may be
required both by the extrajudicial and judicial means. This innovation was introduced by
Art. 1,071 of the CPC, which increased Art. 216-A, the Public Records Act - LRP (Law
No. 6,015/1973), instituting the out-of-court procedure. The present research aims to make
an analysis of the efficiency, feasibility and obstacles of this procedure in the resolution of
conflicts, as well as its applicability in the Municipality of Itapuranga/GO, being used as
methodology the qualitative bibliographic research in doctrines, content of sites, scientific
articles, laws and research in extrajudicial services of said city.
Usucapião judicial, Usucapião extrajudicial, Função social, Desjudicialização, Acesso à justiça, Judicial usucapion, Extrajudicial usucapion, Social function, Dejudicialization, Access to justice
MATA, Ana Raquel. Desjudicialização da usucapião: breve análise do procedimento extrajudicial. 2023. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) – Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2023.