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- Campus Samambaia, Campus Colemar Natal e Silva, Campus Aparecida de Goiânia.
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Crescimento e perfil de ácidos graxos do Aspergillus terreusem diferentes meios de cultura e temperaturas
(2022) Ferreira, Glalber Luiz da Rocha; Vieira, José Daniel Gonçalves; D’Alessandro, Emmanuel Bezerra
Fungi are a promising alternative source of oil to produce biodiesel, still very little known. The identification of a species with desirable characteristics is a fundamental component to achieve the economic viability of the process. The study aimed to carry out the evaluation of the fungus Aspergillus terreusin different culture media and different temperatures, the production of fungal biomass and in line with obtaining the profile of methyl esters of fatty acids. The fungal biomass revealed that in the NBRIP medium at both a temperature of 29 ºC and 36 ºC, it resulted in a great potential inthe production of saturated fatty acids (SFA), which have excellent combustion properties, reaching values of 35.89 and 34,89%, respectively. For most species, the fuel would need to be mixed to make up culture conditions to be optimized and achieve the correct lipid profile, so that the fungal fuel meets European biodiesel production standards (EN 14214). Aspergillus terreusfrom iron ore tailings proved to be a promising microbial biomass as an energy source in the production of biodiesel.
A paisagem urbana da rua 20 em Goiânia: entre memórias, histórias, transformações e disputas
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-24) Mahle, Christine Ramos; Ribeiro, Letícia Soares Martins
This article proposes a discussion about the symbolic, historical, and architectural content of 20th Street, in the Central Sector of Goiânia, and the recent processes that have impacted it. The goal is to analyze some of the transformations that have occurred in its original urban landscape and the resulting erasures. The hypothesis is that the recent availability of properties for sale on this street — including buildings from the city’s construction period — has led to demolitions, uninhabited spaces, and replacements, such as vertical developments, introducing new categories into its contemporary landscape. These changes arise from a lack of knowledge about its original values and, primarily, from the absence of policies aimed at maintaining and revitalizing the historic center. References on the subject and the object of analysis were consulted from both historical and documentary perspectives, along with cartographic studies of the urban space. The historiographic methodology was applied to guide the understanding of the state of the art and to construct the intended discussions. Finally, this article seeks to demonstrate the importance and role of 20th Street in Goiânia’s history and draw attention to the transformations and erasures that have occurred in the landscape of this street, as processes resulting from territorial exploitation policies..
Evolução do direito agrário brasileiro: o processo de distribuição de terras no Brasil à luz das legislações editadas em território nacional
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-31) Marin, Eriberto Francisco Bevilaqua; Faria, Paulo Henrique
The history of Brazil is relatively recent, but filled with several peculiarities about the distribution of land. As we are a colonized coun-try, we did not have the opportunity to experience significant advances and ruptures that the imported European model has crossed over time. Nevertheless, the incentive, at the time of the First Empire, to the latifun-dia determines, until the present date, in the agrarian question, notably with regard to the land concentration, although these latifundia, later, have been discouraged by the supervening legislation. The Land Law of 1850, in a very emblematic way, authorized the financialization of land, so that, years later, the reproduction of capital brought sensitive impacts to the national legal culture. As an example, there were the various ideas imposed by Brazilian legislation regarding agrarian reform and land te-nure regularization. It should be noted that, throughout the exhibition, the guidelines established at the beginning of Colonial Brazil had a signi-ficant impact on the current need to reprimarize the economy, giving rise to a strong legal-bureaucratic apparatus in the regulation of the sector, so that the rich legislative evolution of Agrarian Law it is imbricated in fundamental economic aspects in the current reality.
Properties of a clay soil from 1.5 to 3.5 years after biochar application and the impact on rice yield
(2016-08) Carvalho, Márcia Thaís de Melo; Madari, Beata Emoke; Bastiaans, Lammert; van Oort, Pepijn Adrianus Johannes; Leal, Wesley Gabriel de Oliveira; Heinemann, Alexandre Bryan; Maia, Aline de Holanda Nunes; Parsons, David; Meinke, Holger
We assessed the impact of a single application of wood biochar on soil chemical and physical properties and aerobic rice grain yield on an irrigated kaolinitic clay Ferralsol in a tropical Savannah. We used linear mixed models to analyse the response of soil and plant variables to application rates of biochar (0, 8, 16 and 32 t ha− 1) and mineral N fertilization (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha− 1), and their interaction. The response was analysed within three aerobic rice-growing seasons (S), equivalent to 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 years after biochar application (S1.5, S2.5 and S3.5). The fraction of oxidisable C in soil increased with biochar application rate, irrespective of N fertilization, at S2.5 and S3.5, whereas the rice stress-free available water (soil water retention between − 6 and − 100 kPa) decreased with biochar application rate at S1.5 and S2.5. Rice grain yield and yield components varied with the seasons according to the changes in soil properties and weather conditions. A single application rate up to 32 t ha− 1 of the wood biochar type used in this study had no impact on aerobic rice yield increase on a kaolinitic clay Ferralsol under the climatic conditions of the Brazilian Savannah prone to dry spells. Most likely, the beneficial effects of wood biochar on soil chemical properties on rice production were offset by a decrease in soil water retention capacity and N uptake by the crop.
Prevalence and lethality among patients with histoplasmosis and AIDS in the Midwest Region of Brazil
(2016) Silva, Thaísa Cristina; Treméa, Carolina Martins; Zara, Ana Laura de Sene Amâncio; Mendonça, Ana Flávia; Godoy, Cássia Silva de Miranda; Costa, Carolina Rodrigues; Souza, Lúcia Kioko Hasimoto e; Silva, Maria do Rosário Rodrigues
Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis that is considered an important public health problem. In this work, we performed a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study with a secondary data analysis of medical records from 2000 to 2012 at a tertiary hospital. The study sample consisted of 275 patients with laboratory-confirmed Disseminated Histoplasmosis (DH)/AIDS. The results showed that the prevalence of DH associated with AIDS was 4.4%. The majority of patients were young adult men with fever in 84.2%, cough in 63.4%, weight loss in 63.1%, diarrhoea in 44.8% and skin manifestations in 27.6% of patients. In the overall cohort, the CD4 counts were low, but not significantly different in survivors and non-survivors. Higher levels of urea and lower levels of haemoglobin and platelets were observed in non-survivor patients (<.05). The global lethality was 71.3% (196/275). The results with high prevalence and lethality highlight the need to adopt measures to facilitate early diagnosis, proper treatment and improved prognosis.