Migração de docentes em química do nível estadual para o federal: estrutura e/ou salário?

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Continued training in master's and phD level is a possibility for teachers of basic education in order to improve career both in terms of theoretical deepening as in pay. From this perspective, there was a survey on the amount of chemistry teachers linked to the Education Departament of Goiás State (SEE - GO) who had access to graduate in the Chemistry Institute of UFG since the creation of the course, between 1998 to 2012. Our objective was to analyze the relationship of this teacher's continuing education with the migration / removal of this professional from the state public network, based on data provided by the graduate program in Chemistry of UFG and interviews with 16 teachers. It was possible to identify that, from 54 graduate students that were teachers of basic education of SEE-GO, only 14 remained linked to the state system after the completion of continuing education. In this context, it is evident that continuing education wasestablished as the teaching career removal element in basic education considering the current structural conditions of this career compared to the other existing professional prospects for masters and doctors in Chemistry.



Formação de professores, Formação continuada, Abandono de carreira, Teacher training, Continuing education, Career abandonment


ANDRADE, Polyana Sanches; SOARES, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa; MESQUITA, Nyuara Araújo da Silva. Migração de docentes em química do nível estadual para o federal: estrutura e/ou salário? REDEQUIM - Revista Debates em Ensino de Química, Recife, v. 4, n. 2, p. 5-36, 2018. Disponível em: https://www.journals.ufrpe.br/index.php/REDEQUIM/article/view/1987. Acesso em: 22 mar. 2024.