Substituição de fonte de amido por fibra solúvel em detergente neutro na dieta de vacas


The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of replacing corn grain by citrus pulp on dairy cows performance. Nine Holstein cows (three cannulated in the rumen), at 80 ± 24 milking days, and daily medium production of 20 ± 0.58 kg/day were used. Animals were maintained in tie stall with individual feeder and drinker. Experimental design was a 3 x 3 Latin square. Experiment lasted 21 days, being 14 days of adaptation and seven of collection. Treatments were 100% corn grain (CG); 50% corn grain and 50% citric pulp (CG-P) or 100% citrus pulp (P). There were no differences in nutrients (DM, OM, NDF, ADF, CP, starch) ingestion among diets. The treatment with citrus pulp produced larger proportion of acetate in relation to the others, as well as larger acetate/propionate ratio. The pH averages ranged between 5.86 and 7.35. The averages of N-NH3 presented larger differences in the times 2 and 3 hours after feeding. There were no differences among the diets for total 4%-fat corrected milk production, protein, lactose, total dry extract (TDE) and milk urea nitrogen Substituição de fonte de amido por fibra solúvel em detergente neutro na dieta de vacas



Ingestão de nutrientes, Milho grão, Polpa cítrica, Vacas leiteiras, Citrus pulp, Corn grain, Cows in milk, Ingestion of nutritious


MOREIRA, Paulo Cesar; REIS, Ronaldo Braga; CORRÊA, Daniel Staciarini; SILVA, Verônica Christiane de Melo; WASCHECK, Roberto de Camargo; CARDOSO, Júlio Roquete. Substituição de fonte de amido por fibra solúvel em detergente neutro na dieta de vacas. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 17, n. 2, p. 164-174, abr./jun. 2016. Disponível em: <>.