Campylobacter spp. e sua ocorrência em abatedouros de aves


Reports of the occurrence of campylobacteriosis in humans as a result of contamination of foods from poultry by Campylobacter spp., Has consistently increased in several countries. Therefore it is of utmost importance to be addressed contamination by Campylobacter spp. in different environments which constitute the industrial processing of such food matrix, the prevalence of the agent containment measures and evasion mechanisms that micro-organisms has developed before the current methods to contamination containment applied by the food industry, since the bacterial genus study is of great importance to public health front.



Campylobacter spp., Contamination, Poultry, Contaminação, Frangos


OLIVEIRA, Julierme José de; REZENDE, Cintia Silva Minafra e; FEISTEL, Janaina Costa; MOREIRA, Natália Menezes; OLIVEIRA, Aline Pedrosa de. Campylobacter spp. e sua ocorrência em abatedouros de aves. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 16, p. 517-529, jul. 2013.